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Tensoresistance force transducers and pressure
(Force meters, strain gauge dynamometers)
Transducers of force, pressure. The shape and design of beams and elastic elements, the calculation formulas. Stability.
Tensoresistance force transducers and pressure are the most diverse applications, since they have a very compact design can measure force and pressure in the range from a few to several millinyuton meganyuton using elastic elements (beams) of various shapes and sizes. When designing a strain cell (pressure transducers and power), special attention should be paid to ensuring the least possible deformation of the system that receives the forces and pressures, and to compensate for the influence of the lateral components of the forces that occur when the eccentricity. To eliminate eccentricities commonly used intermediate segment and ball bearings, and the elastic membrane, flexible and rigid along the transverse axis of the force. To reduce the hysteresis at the interface elements in the force and pressure transducers, it is recommended to use the elastic hinges.
Force and pressure transducers to measure the effort. When measuring the torque of 10 kN to 10 MN in force and pressure transducers use various forms of elastic structural elements (beams). The simplest is the core elastic element used to measure forces from 50 kN to 5 MN. For uniform distribution of stress over the cross section of the elastic element in the zone strain ratio of the height to the transverse dimension should be at least 3. The increase in this ratio over 5 can cause a loss of stability. To increase the resistance used centering elastic diaphragm or system of elastic joints.
Force and pressure transducers to measure small forces (10 kN) have, as a rule, the elastic beam elements. Widespread and tenzodinamometry as bending rings, working on a double-digit strain. The ring-type elastic elements have a relatively high sensitivity with sufficient rigidity of the plane of the force.
Payment schemes and formulas to determine the characteristics of the elastic elements of force and pressure transducers:
Types of elastic elements Design scheme relative deformability conversion factor relative pliability eigenfrequency Notes
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