From literature /1,13,14/ it is known that from a radiation radiation on electrophysics properties of semiconductors most influence renders a neutron irradiation. Thus the mechanism of influence consists mainly in formation of structural defects and radio-active transformation of atoms. With the increase of alloying level influence of irradiation relaxes. The researches conducted by us showed that neutron irradiation a to 10^15 cm^ - 2 practically does not influence on basic technical descriptions of the worked out transformers at 300К. The study of influence of irradiation of higher closenesses of streams of neutrons is planned in future.
Worked out constructions of strain gauge, technologies of making, methods of measuring allow to conduct measuring of mechanical deformations in the range of temperatures of 4.2-400К with an error no more than 6%. Magnetic field to 7 Т at the temperature of 4.2К results in an error no more than 3%.
The measuring transformers of magnetic-field on the effect of Hall are capable of working in the wide range of temperatures, possess weak temperature dependence of sensitiveness and initial output signal (less than 0.1%). Non-linearity of output signal does not exceed 1% in the field to 2Т, a sensitiveness arrives at 500 mV/Т at the current of feed of 7 mA.
The measuring transformers of temperature can be used in a wide range, in the magnetic fields, possess a high sensitiveness and stability, that allows to use them both for taking temperature and for high-fidelity thermo stabilizing of different devices.
All worked out measuring transformers can work in the conditions of neutron irradiation to 10^15 см^-2 without the origin of noticeable errors.
High sensitiveness and weak dependence on extraneous influences, stability of testimonies of measuring transformers it is allowed to use them for the high-fidelity measuring of physical sizes, and similarly for creation of sensors of moving, acceleration, position in space of and other.
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It is published:
1. Беляков В.А., Горбачук Н.Т., Диденко П.И., Илясов О.В., Ламзин Е.А., Ларионов М.С., Максимов Б.П. , Сычевский С.Е., Филатов О.Г., Фирсов А.А., Шатиль Н.А., (Журнал "Вопросы атомной науки и техники", Серия: Электрофизическая аппаратура, в.3(29), 2005, с.46-54)
2. Nikolay Gorbachuk, Mikhail Larionov, Aleksey Firsov, Nikolay Shatil. Semiconductor Sensors for a Wide Temperature Range. Sensors & Transducers Journal and Magazine,
Vol. 162, Issue 1, January 2014, pp.1-4
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